How to define the positioning of your brand within the competition?

In order to stand out from the competition, it is important to define the positioning of your company. This allows you to carry out an effective strategy to attract a maximum number of customers. The use of a perceptual map is highly recommended. You can obviously call on an expert to help you with all the steps needed.

How to define the positioning of your brand within the competition?

Positioning refers to the place your brand occupies in the minds of your customers in relation to the competition, it is the consumer's perception of the company in the marketplace. It can also refer to how you want to impact the market and how you address your consumers. To define your positioning, you need to determine a few things; first, you need to analyse the market in which your company operates. In this way you will be able to identify your competitors. You need to think like a consumer. Secondly, you need to carry out a thorough competitive analysis. If necessary, you can call on a professional to help you define the positioning of your company. 

Tips for positioning your brand

For a good positioning of your brand, you must identify your targets. Indeed, this is an important step because it is the customers who should be at the centre of the reflection linked to positioning. In addition, you must analyse your competitive advantage by defining the different areas that allow you to stand out from your competitors. You therefore have to carry out a strategic diagnosis before even defining your positioning. To visually represent your company's positioning, you can use the perceptual map which consists of a matrix with 2 axes designed according to specific criteria. 

Defining your brand positioning

In order to effectively define the positioning of your company in relation to your competitors, it is recommended that you use a perceptual map. To do this, you need to place the main competitors in the market and select the criteria that can influence consumers' buying decisions. Then you need to position your company as well as your competitors. The aim is to assess and analyse the importance your competitors place on the criteria. Finally, all that remains is to make comparisons to conduct an effective positioning strategy. Eventually, do not hesitate to call on a specialist to help you!

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