What are the benefits of an email campaign?

Email marketing is a form of direct marketing communicated via email. The types of messages sent include newsletters, catalogues, transactional emails, triggered messages, autoresponders, advertisements and press releases. Each has different characteristics and serves a different purpose. The most popular type is the periodic newsletter.

An e-mail campaign is a real money saver!

The unit cost of an e-mail message is very low compared to the cost of communicating through traditional channels. Moreover, e-mail marketing tools have, among other things, an integrated database of templates, thanks to which the assistance of a graphic designer or programmer is not necessary to carry out a good mailing campaign. By sending mailings, you can reach an unlimited number of current and potential customers, both nationally and internationally.

E-mail campaigns are about flexibility!

Contrary to what might sometimes be believed, e-mail marketing campaigns should are not synonymous with unwanted messages or SPAM. Indeed, advertising activities are not the only objective that can be achieved by sending e-mails; e-mail marketing is in fact one of the few forms of marketing that allows you to address almost any subject, whether it be promotional messages, newsletters, subscriptions, transactional messages related to order logistics, securing various processes, organisational information related, for example, to the agenda or plan of a conference, an industry event, or changes in shop opening hours or the menu of a catering establishment. In terms of possible topics, e-mail marketing is really flexible.

Fast delivery!

Sending e-mails with a professional platform is a process that you can complete very quickly. Moreover, e-mail marketing is one of the most effective channels for generating traffic to a website. A well-executed campaign can also generate good sales, but it needs to be supported by a well thought-out communication strategy. Thankfully, preparing an effective mailing is not difficult; all you have to do is choose the content that will meet the needs of your recipients. A great asset of e-mailing campaigns is also the possibility of automation, which will save you time for other marketing activities. Start using email marketing today and you will see how great the benefits can be.

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